Grace Leonard Armstrong to Jane Addams, 1915

Congress of Women's Clubs of Western Pennsylvania
President, Mrs. John H. Armstrong, 5905 Hampton Street, E.E. Pgh., Pa.

My Dear Miss [Addams] --

I am enclosing a letter from the World's Peace Foundation with reference to a [pamphlet] which I saw in the newspaper on "Peace," that I asked them to have 5000 printed to give one to every club [woman] in Pittsburgh.

Miss Gertrude Gordon the writer of this article, "Lay down your arms" (I am enclosing you a copy) sent one to Andrew Carnegie, the Pope, [Billy] Sunday & the World's Peace Foundation, this is the article she received from them & they mention your name & thought it wise to bring it before the Woman's Peace Party through you, if possible. [page 2]

I am President of the Congress of Clubs & we all appreciate your addressing our meeting in Pittsburgh at a luncheon we gave in your honor, & we will never forget meeting you & listening to the words of wisdom and kindness that fell from your lips.

Mrs Samuel Semple, The President of the State Federation of Pennsylvania Women has appointed a special Peace committee, and was kind enough to make me the member from this end of the state; so I am interested in every thing that pertains to Peace.

Miss Gertrude Gordon has had fine articles from every one she wrote to & sent her [pamphlet] on "Lay down your arms."

Will you let me know what is the best way to do, & if you could use this in helping forward your propaganda work, also, <if> you would give me your opinion of the article I would be very pleased.

They asked me to write a few words as a front piece so you can see my Foreword in the Pamphlet.

Very sincerely

(Mrs J H) Grace L Armstrong

5905 Hampton St.
Pittsburgh Pa

P.S. Miss Gordon would be very pleased if you would return letter from Peace Foundation.