John Palmer Gavit to Jane Addams, December 12, 1914


The New York Evening Post

December 12, 1914.

Miss Jane Addams,
Hull House, 800 South Halsted street,
Chicago, Illinois.

Dear Miss Addams:-

Many thanks for your letter of December 8th, and the material for an interview. I enclose a clipping of the matter as we used it today. I trust you will not object to the slight liberties which we took, by making an introduction out of your letter to me. I intended to amplify it further, with certain additions from remarks of yours at the Henry street meeting, which would have been entirely fitting and I am sure unobjectionable from your point of view; but I was interrupted until too late to do it.

While, as I have said repeatedly to Paul Kellogg (I think he has forwarded the substance of my remarks to you), I am skeptical about the concrete value of "utterances" by anybody or any body of bodies, in the presence of the world calamity, I nevertheless recognize that no effort to find effective expression is entirely futile, and that nobody can tell at what moment some short-circuit, however inadvertent, may strike the right sort of spark. Therefore I am in favor of anything that may serve to focus the growing sense of horror and protest. I do not know whether I could personally attend the meeting in Washington or elsewhere of which you speak, but I cordially welcome any and every step that anybody can propose, and would do all I could to help the thing along.


John P. Gavit [signed] 

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