Macmillan Company Royalty Statement for Democracy and Social Ethics, May 1, 1906

Miss Jane Addams in account with THE MACMILLAN COMPANY

66 Fifth Avenue, New York

Democracy and Social Ethics From May 1st, 1904 ↑1905↓, to April 30th, 1905 ↑1906↓.

Published        19       Sells @ $1.25 net

To Royalty on 224 Copies @ 16 1/4   36   40

On hand May 1, 1904 ↑1905↓ 241
Printed Since  813
Edition Over


       Presented London
22   Presented
22   Destroyed by fire
15   Sold (London)
1    Sold (Australia)
2    [Sold] Canada
206 Sold

     Edition Short
19 Stock London
2  Stock Australia

765 Stock April 30. 1905 ↑[1906?]↓


Item Relations


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