Jane Addams to Maud Howe Elliott, February 24, 1914


February 24, 1914.

My dear Mrs. Elliott: --

I am leaving for the South the middle of this week where I shall give some lectures on Suffrage and Child Labor; I shall be away until March 15th.

May I ask you to send to my secretary, Mrs. Thompson, half a dozen copies of the folders. I will then communicate with the Fortnightly and one or two of the Women's Clubs in the hope that some lectures may be arranged.

We are all very much absorbed just now in Suffrage –- we have our first vote on April 7th! This makes it rather a poor time to make arrangements, but I need not assure you that I shall make every possible effort. Will you also please let Mrs. Thompson know your usual fee as this will make it easier to arrange things.

Anticipating seeing you with much pleasure, I am

Sincerely yours,

Jane Addams [signed]

Mrs. John Elliott
Newport, R.I.

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