Jane Addams to Sarah Alice Addams Haldeman, April 13, [1914]


My dear Alice

The clippings came yesterday and are perfectly arranged upon the shelf. There seem to be several lapses in dates & I can't find the index, but when you come <in May> we will go over them.

John Fry called me up last [evening] to say that grandmother had had a slight stroke on her way to Freeport. I said goodbye to her on the train at nine o'clock and that this had occurred about ten. [page 2] He did not seem greatly alarmed but I am anxious to hear again today.

We had a fine theater party on Saturday of all the little children in the family except Jane Hulbert who was considered too little. The Hulbert children sent to call later in Marcet's dressing room & were delighted with their intimate view of the theater. Marcet was most charming & spirited on the stage. When are you coming in May, I should like to meet you in Kansas City or Girard & come on with you, if it is the first week -- the month, I must go to [page 3] Memphis on the 8th

Always your loving sister

Jane Addams

April 13"