Sarah A. Tooley to Jane Addams, November 17, 1913

London. W.

Nov. 17/13

Dear Miss Addams,

I have been long in answering the kind letter which you sent me at the beginning of the year in reference to the estate of my brother-in-law, Wm James Tooley of Philadelphia.

My husband, who still remains a helpless invalid, would like to have some tidings regarding the final settlement of his brother's affairs, particularly with regard to his personal things. We have no memento of him, except an original copy of Stanley's "Livingstone" which he received from [page 2] his old friend the author, & which my brother-in-law sent to me just before his death, saying that he did not wish it to "fall into the hands of strangers." He sent me also many old family photographs & papers relating to the history of the "Tooleys." Death overtook him when he was in the midst of clearing up the accumulations of years, otherwise I am sure he would have arranged for us to have some of his personal effects.

I hope that the estate may have yielded you something for your good work, but I gathered from your letter that this was doubtful.

With kindest regards

Very Sincerely Yours

(Mrs) Sarah A. Tooley

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