Jane Addams to Ellen Gates Starr, July 18, 1913


July 18" 1913

My dear Ellen

Your letter this morning reached me at quarter to eleven when I returned from Mary Smiths, if I had been at home for the breakfast mail I think that I should have started for Durand.

It is hard not to have your sister come and I wish that I might be there to offer what comfort I might. Will you let me come next week? I am really quite homesick to see you and [page 2] you have been in my mind every minute since your letter came. I am sure you know that you have my love and that I long to be with you.

Please give my love to your father -- it is hard for a man to see his son die first and I hope it will not leave him shaken and ill. My most affectionate and sympathetic good night goes to you, Dear,

Always yours Jane A --

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