Jane Addams to Sarah Alice Addams Haldeman, October 23, 1913


Columbus Ohio

My dear Alice

Your letter and sample clipping envelope came just as I was leaving for Columbus Ohio where I am speaking for the suffrage girls.

Please don't bother to make an index of the clippings, I think that the months & year on the envelope are quite enough just as you did the first ones. It is almost as easy to take out the clippings & look them over as it is to read the index. I am much impressed with your ability as a typewriter.

I can't remember either of the [page 2] awkward incidents to which you refer. The opening of the club was a very trying day for Mrs Bowen & she clung to me rather piteously, I suppose I was concerned for her and she may easily have appeared self absorbed -- but we usually make allowances for people at such a time of emotional strain, don't we?

Mary Smith & I are going out to Cedarville very soon, Mary Fry's last letter sounded quite anxious.

How about the [pea] farmer, shall I try to see him or the new agent when I am there? [page 3]

Laura is still at Waukegan but leaves Nov 1st quite sure that she wants to try the farm. She has never spoken to me of the boundary matter and I thought it better to assume that there was no trouble brewing.

I am just going down to a lunch with the Gov. & [Illinois] prison commission so will hurry this off.

I do hope you will keep well there all [through] changing weather.

Always your loving sister

Jane Addams

Oct 23d 1913

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