Jane Addams et al. to Raymond and Margaret Dreier Robins, November 13, 1912


NEW YORK. November 13, 1912.

Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Robins,
1437 West Ohio Street,
Chicago, Ills.

My dear Mr. & Mrs. Robins:

It is apparent from the recent election that one of the most imperative matters before the Progressive Party today is its educational work. Men and women do not yet understand the issues involved in the new party. They do not yet fully realize the great fundamental reasons why the party movement must go on.

Prior to the meeting of the National Progressive Committee, which is to be held in Chicago, December 10th, it is desired to perfect the educational work for presentation at that meeting. You are therefore asked to attend a conference to be held at the residence of Mr. Amos Pinchot, 1021 Park Avenue on November 26th at 2:30 P.M. for this purpose. Colonel Roosevelt is to be present at the meeting, and has signified his earnest desire to work in this field. It is sincerely hoped that you will make every effort to attend, as the conference is to be a small one and the educational work is the most important before the Progressive Party.

Very truly yours,

Joseph M. Dixon
George Perkins
Jane Addams
Ben Lindsey