Jane Addams to Anna Haldeman Addams, March 16, 1913


March 16สบ 1913

My dear Mother

I am [enclosing] some street scenes of the interesting town that is in old Nubia. We have reached the most southern part of our journey which we made largely by rail to avoid the heat, and take the steamer northwest tomorrow for a while at Luxor and then on to Cairo. While we were [warned] against the heat, we have found the weather cool and delightful and the country itself absorbingly interesting. [page 2] From the deck of a Nile steamer we saw the full outdoor life along the banks in a most fascinating way. The Arabs, the Nubians, the Copts and the all the others are very gentle and courteous [while?] all of the children are gay and [droll?].

I do hope that you are getting [through] the trying March weather without illness; I can't tell you how much I wish that you were in this wondrous climate. The air flowing from the desert is like pure ozone.

With love to Mary and yourself, I am always your loving daughter

Jane Addams

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