Frances Alice Kellor to Theodore Roosevelt, January 24, 1913


January 24, 1913.

Col. Theodore Roosevelt,
c/o "The Outlook",
New York City, N.Y.

Dear Colonel:

Via Miss Addams your correspondence with Mr. McClure concerning the appointment of Mrs. Longstreet or some Georgia woman to the vacancy on the National Committee has come to me. The matter of filling the vacancy was left to a committee consisting of Miss Addams and myself. Mrs. Bird was not put on because the understanding at the time the resolution was passed by the convention was that the South should be represented. Mrs. Longstreet is not eligible because Rule XII, paragraph 7, adopted at the convention provides that "No person holding an appointive office under the President of the United States shall be a member of the National Committee". This should apply to women as well as men.

Furthermore, social leadership is of the utmost importance in the South. Nowhere else are the consequences so disastrous if we start wrong. Therefore, Miss Addams and I feel that this member should come from Virginia or Kentucky.

Very Sincerely,