George Platt Brett Sr. to Jane Addams, June 18, 1912


June 18/1912

Dear Miss Addams,

You will be interested I know to hear that we are today publishing the third edition of your little book entitled "A New Conscience and an Ancient Evil" and that we are also ordering the fourth edition of the book to be printed hoping for an increase in the demand which will justify this additional number.

You are to be congratulated I think upon the wide comment, almost entirely favorable, which the book has caused and it must be a matter of congratulation to you too to know that the effect of the book's publication is likely to be wholly advantageous to the cause of good health and good morals. You may possibly have seen a review of the book in the London Spectator of two weeks ago and a comment on the book since by that newspaper's correspondents.

I am wondering as to whether you are likely in your next book to give effect to the suggestion for a book which I took the liberty of making to you a year or so ago, or, if not that, what subject you will next write upon for the public's benefit.

I am,

Yours very truly,

George P. Brett [signed]

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