Grace Abbott to Anna Lathrop Case, July 27, [1912]


July 27th

Dear Mrs. Case, I shall certainly be glad to hear you arrived home not too fatigued by the trip. We had a cold rain Saturday afternoon and it has been cool or cold ever since & I hoped as it rained that you were getting the benefit of it but from the papers I have concluded you did not.

Laura Gilpin came in yesterday with the pictures. The one of your [page 2] mother, and of J. C. L. as a young girl are excellent. The one of your father has some scratches on it which came out in the Enlargement. Miss Gilpin said she thought she could take them out with an acid bath but there are some hazards in that so I had her to wait and see if the one your brother has is not better. I liked the one of your father -- the mouth is a little set but it has nevertheless a strange likeness even in that respect to Miss Lathrop's and as well as in other respects. The baby picture had [page 3] moved and the blur comes out in the enlargement but Miss Gilpin thinks she can improve that by working over it.

It has been lonely [without] you as Edith has not come and I have no definite word as to when she will arrive. I shall not put that [$10.00] you insisted on paying me in my household account but will use it in some way for the book.

Josephine Roche won a sweeping victory in the Denver Caucuses. I think there is no [page 4] doubt she will win. It has been decided by her campaign committee that I should give a tea for the woman delegates to the state convention on Monday, so I am giving one at The Antlers. Mrs. Costigan will [receive] with me.

Miss Gilpin will send the pictures and return the ones you left after we hear from you about your father's picture. If you are not sending another one, we had better subject this one to the acid bath.

A letter today from Mrs. Warren who was Miss [Elmen] of the Children's Bureau asked to be remembered to you.

Sincerely Yours, Grace Abbott.