Jane Addams to Lillian D. Wald, August 15, 1912

Bar Harbor, Maine.

My dear Miss Wald

I am [enclosing] a telegram from Frances Kellor which came last evening. I am sure that I don't need to tell you how happy I should be if you felt that you could come in with us, in spite of much criticism and difference of opinion among many kinds of people. I have never doubted for a moment that my [page 2] place was inside, when there was a chance to help or aid a program as this one.

France Kellor has been very able about the entire affair, and is, as you know a member of the Nat. Committee.

How are you, dear Lady! I came yesterday, and am enjoying it mightily here in spite of the fact that I tore away from my new [page 3] political duties very abruptly.

We are to meet Mr & Mrs Schiff at lunch today and have accepted an invitation to dine with them next Saturday. I will write you again after that, but am hurrying this off now that you may consider the proposition. Mary will be in Bethel in a day or two and we hope will respond to the place as she has done before. I [page 4] hope to see her there, the first week in Sept. Please thank Miss Waters [for her?] letter, I will write her just as soon as I wade through this huge correspondence. Always & forever, devotedly yours Jane Addams

Aug 15"1912

Mrs Bowen sends her love and many [illegible].