Jane Addams to Anita McCormick Blaine, April 14, 1911


April 14, 1911

My dear Mrs. Blaine:-

I am sending you Mrs Hill's letter which came this morning. I hope to speak to you about it. I have never been to her school and am unable to give any details beyond the fact that it seems to be a very genuine start upon good lines. They seem to feel that if they had the added building which the three thousand dollars would secure for them, that the larger number of pupils with their increased fees would help them enormously. However Mrs Hill has probably told you all of this. I am sorry to trouble you with it again.

I am also enclosing a letter from Mrs Young which Mr Allinson insisted I open yesterday although it was addressed to you. [page 2] 

Two or three rather important things came up yesterday, but Mr. Allinson has agreed to call no more meetings without first consulting with the Chairman. I hope we can save time on the meetings and have the material in better shape for discussion.

Sincerely yours,

Jane Addams. [signed]

Mrs Emmons Blaine,