Jane Addams to Mary Rozet Smith, February 7, 1911


Feby 7" 1911

Hotel Belmont
New York


Here we are still in N.Y. but incognito as it were so that it is as restful as Lakewood and I have begun seriously on my paper which however is not going very well -- but I am sure would not ↑anywhere else↓ owing to [interior] reasons.

I am afraid that my speaking days are over perhaps it is well that I have my operation to fall back on. [page 2]

Miss Wald is coming to lunch for of course she knows where we are at. She has been endlessly kind and I have felt more en rapport than I ever have before. I am going down to "the festival" next Monday afternoon. We looked in for the rehearsal Sunday which was not unlike one of our children's plays.

I am distressed about your rheumatism. Dearest I do wish we knew what to do!

Always yrs J. A.

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