Edith Abbott to Jane Addams, July 31, 1911


July 31, 1911.

Dear Miss Addams,-

I am sending the pamphlets you wanted, and I am sending with them the two Reports of the Social Service Department of the Massachusetts Hospital. They contain reports of the work done by Mrs. Hodder there before she went to Sherwood prison. Nisba and I were very much impressed with them and we thought if you had not noticed them they would be of interest to you just now. We are terribly interested to see your results, but wish you might have had something pleasanter to work with this summer. Miss Lathrop, I think, will have written you about the juvenile court difficulties. She is on her way now to board the Bartzen lion, and we await her return, not with fear, but with excitement. There is no way of telling you what a pleasure it is to be asked to do something for you, I wish there things we could do to really help.

Grace is going home this week and Dr. Meigs has gone to Iowa to see her family before she sails. We all send love.

Always affectionately yours,