Mary E. Collson to Jane Addams, January 12, 1911

Amesbury Mass.
Jan 12, 1911.

My dear Miss Addams:

You have been more kind to me than I deserve and it makes me realize that I never have half appreciated the bigness of your love that makes you generous in your help [page 2] and so comfortable in your manner of helping struggling floundering creatures.  I one time [thought] we would have the millennium if we could only manage to get everybody fed and clothed and housed, then again I [thought] we would surely establish the ideal state if we could get everybody to putting "God first" in the order of their lives.  Now it seems to me the only thing I really have faith in is a large human kindness and so my dear Miss Addams I find myself turning back to you as "the great apostle" of this creed.  

I thank you very much [page 3] for your kindness to me and I thank you very very much more for your kindness to everybody.

With sincere love

Mary E. Collson

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