Rosika Schwimmer to Jane Addams, December 1, 1923

Chicago, Illinois.
December 1, 1923.

My Dear Miss Addams:

A full month has passed since the invitation was decided upon and not one word has yet been published in the American press. At least nowhere where I could find it, though I am most anxiously looking for the news about the coming event.

Nor has any communication of the Washington headquarters or the Chicago branch reached me or any of the members whom I meet occasionally. The European announcement of the Conference has reached me already on the 26th.

By urging your meeting on the 6th of November to reverse the refusing decision of the Board. I took on myself a part in the responsibility for the International Conference. This responsibility compels me to step for a moment again out of my splendid isolation.

I must most emphatically point to the fact that publicity is the [Alpha] and Omega of the success of the Conference. You might get the 50,000 d. without publicity, but you cannot make the Conference the pacifist event that it could and should be.

The preparation for the Conference is incomparable press material for a neutral peace propaganda.

With due respect for the national and the local office I appeal to you Miss Addams to arrange that the broadest possible publicity shall be started without any further delay.

Even at the risk of making myself more unpopular with the W.I.L. -- if it is possible -- I must urge you not to let them waste more time.

I enclose a sketch of the things that I thought could be done right away, when I said to both the meeting and to the Board that the time for preparation is sufficient.

I am sorry to trouble you, Miss Addams, but I repeat my sense of responsibility compels me to paint to the danger of further delay.

[Devotedly] yours,

R. Sch [initialed]