Gino C. Speranza to Grace Abbott, March 21, 1911


­­­New York, March 21, 1911.

Miss Grace Abbott,
Immigrants' Protective League
157 Plymouth Court, Chicago, Ill.

My dear Miss Abbott:-

I thank you and Miss Addams for the kind offer of cooperation in the work of Committee G of the American Institute of Criminal Law & Criminology.

I accept on behalf of my Committee your offer for your league to undertake an investigation of the Aliens and the Courts in the City of Chicago, and would appreciate it if, at your convenience, you would send me an outline of the investigation that you will undertake.

I am glad to state that Miss Keller will ask the North American Civic League to extend its investigation to Massachusetts and Pennsylvania. It has already extended its work to New Jersey.

Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

Sincerely yours

P. S: Prof. Julian Coulter and Mr. W. I. Thomas of the University [page 2] of Chicago, besides Rudolph Matz, Esq., President of your Legal Aid Society, and Judge Julian W. Mack, are Chicago members of Committee G. It might be well if you called them into consultation, or, if you wish, I could notify them to report to you.