Jane Addams to Sarah Alice Addams Haldeman, March 17, 1911

Shades Mt Hotel
near Birmingham Ala.

March 17" 1911

My dear Alice

We stayed over a week after the Child Labor Conference in Birmingham because Mary Smith's asthma is suddenly developed into a sharp attack. We found this little inn on the top of a mountain where we have been very comfortable in the midst of blooming dogwood & yellow jasmine. I am going back on Saturday but Mrs Niver will meet Mary and keep [page 2] her [illegible] for a week or ten days more. We have enjoyed our little sojourn and I have finished some writing which has been hanging over me for a long time.

I hope to come out to Cedarville next week, but will you please write me your plans. Mr Bowen has been a little better this week but is still desperately ill of course. Always, with love to all the household, your loving sister Jane Addams

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