Franklin H. Sargent to Jane Addams, March 14, 1911



March 14, 1911.

Miss Jane Addams,
Hull House,
800 South Halsted Street,
Chicago, Ill.

My dear Miss Addams: --

I am very grateful to you for taking my telegram in such kindly spirit. If I were alone in the matter, I mean, if it involved only my own personal welfare, I would not hesitate to voice my convictions regarding the wrong that is done in putting children on the stage; but <on account of> my position as the head of a large dramatic school, where the graduating students are absolutely dependent upon the good will of the Managers, I could not involve the pupils and my associates and commit them to my side of the argument. So, by force of compulsion, the Managers have compelled me to keep quiet, but I am looking forward to the time when I may be able to release the statement and add to it.

Faithfully yours,

Franklin H. Sargent. [signed]

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