American Friends Service Committee to Jane Addams, February 18, 1925 (fragment)


February 18, 1925

Miss Jane Addams,
Hull House
800 So. Halsted St.,
Chicago, Ill.

Dear Friend: --

For over three years, we have been trying to find some one who could be a real representative of the American Friends Service Committee in Mexico -- so far without success. We have had two or three different people down there, but up to the present time have not been able to get hold of the one who was able to do what we wanted done. Just now, a woman by the name of Annie P. Carlyle is our only point of contact. She went down as an office secretary or stenographer to the young man we had in Mexico City for about a year. After he left, she stayed on. She is not a Friend, but has had considerable experience in international work, and is doing an individualistic but rather satisfactory piece of work. She is not the type of person that we want as a permanent representative, but she is one who can be encouraged to stay on in Mexico and be self-supporting and do what she can toward cultivating friendship and good-will between the people of the United States and Mexico.

Please feel perfectly free to write to Miss Carlyle for suggestions and any arrangements or help that you want. She is about 62 or 63 years old, has almost enough to live on, and is able to work quite effectively along her own lines. Her address is 6 A Nuevo Mexico #101, Mexico D.F., Mexico. [bottom of letter cut off]

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