Albert J. Ochsner to Jane Addams, February 14, 1925

Dr. Albert J. Ochsner
2106 Sedgwick St.

February 14, 1925.

Miss Jane Addams,
800 S. Halsted Street,

Dear Miss Addams:

Miss Rempel told me that you were going to Mexico and that it might be a good plan to have the name of some capable doctor in the principal cities of Mexico. I, therefore, take the liberty of enclosing cards to Professor Ulises Valdés of the City of Mexico and to Professor Ignacio Chávez of the city of Guadalajara, which are the two principal cities in Mexico.

Professor Valdés and Professor Chávez both speak English, Dr. Chávez especially well.

With kind regards, and wishing you a pleasant journey, I am

Sincerely yours,