Louise E. Bolard More to Jane Addams, July 16, 1902

Meadville, Pa.
July 16, 1902.

My dear Miss Addams

Dr. [Robins] has written me about a position in a Jewish Settlement in Chicago, as headworker, and asks me to write you about my plans.

I have already refused two assistant-[headworker] positions, on the advice of Mrs. Simkhovitch, in the [page 2] hope of getting the assistant secretary-ship of the Women's Municipal League of New York, which won't be decided until after the middle of August. I do not feel that I could consider any other position until that has been decided. Besides, though I have lived at Denison House in Boston and at the Friendly Aid House [page 3] in New York for some time, I have never lived in a Jewish neighborhood, and do not feel that I have had the training and experience with Jewish problems and characteristics, necessary for the headworker in a Jewish Settlement.

I am very grateful to Dr. [Robins] for bringing my name to your attention. I remember so [page 4] pleasantly meeting you at the Friendly Aid House last winter where I was Mrs. Simkhovitch's assistant.

Yours Sincerely,

                             Lousie E. Bolard

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