Lucy Louisa Flower to Jane Addams, November 15, 1911


Coronado Nov -- 15th

My dear Miss Addams.

Do not send me McClure for I take it and read your article at once. I am very glad you are writing on this subject for my [experience] is (and I presume yours is the same) for any reform education is the first requisite. Conditions must be made known before public sentiment can be [assessed?]. Now on this topic I think 9/10 of the women of the better class know nothing at all and avoid the subject as not fit for decent women to consider. A bad woman is a bad woman to them and hopeless. Statements of true conditions coming from your pen [page 2] will carry weight and eyes will be opened which could be opened in no other way. And every woman or man once convinced of the facts helps to educate more. It is slow work; but it is necessary work for permanent reform and I am mighty glad you are doing it. Newspaper accounts of White Slavery carry little weight with the majority. They are discussed, if read at all, by the thought that it is newspaper operation. Facts must be presented by persons known to be reliable and then they are believed. I trust you may have many many years for the work you are doing no one can do it as well. <a [more?]> for you <[are?]>  fair, impartial moderate [illegible] statement on any subject on which [page 3] one feels deeply is a rare gift and the one who has it is a power and commands the confidence of the community. I was glad to hear about Mr Darrow for my impression if correct could only have made him something of a hypocrite & I think that is almost the worst charge one can bring against any one. Thank you for your kind words about the school. I appreciate the [honor], but can not feel it was due to the love of a few friends & fellow workers more than to any real [desert?] in my part but it is fine to have the friends.

Sincerely Yours

L. L. Flower

Love to Julia Lathrop.

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