Sidney Lewis Gulick to Jane Addams, April 1, 1925



April 1, 1925.

Dear Friend:

Please accept this as a personally addressed and personally signed letter.

I am working on a series of folders like the enclosed -- a dozen or more. The plan is to issue them once in two weeks, beginning we hope in September, and to send them if possible to a selected list of 150,000 important national leaders. May I ask your answer to the following questions?

1. What is your judgment on the question as to whether the time has come for some such strong, nation-wide campaign as this, looking toward the revision of the immigration law and ultimately to placing Japanese under the quota?

2. Would the leaflets as a whole be more effective if carrying the imprint of the Federal Council? Or of the National Committee on American Japanese Relations? Or of both? Or should those which go to business men carry the latter, and those to church people the former?

3. Would you like to have copies of the folder for immediate use? How many? Or will you suggest names of persons to whom we may mail them?

4. Would it be possible for you to cooperate in the general plan? We might print a set with your imprint; we might supply you with copies to mail to your constituency; you might supply us with a mailing list; or you might make a contribution for the campaign.

Your cooperation in reestablishing right relations with Japan is earnestly desired and your reply to the foregoing questions will be much appreciated.

Faithfully yours,

Sidney L. Gulick [signed]

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