Jane Addams to Ida Campbell Mott-Smith Lovett, March 23, 1925

Hotel Regis, Mexico City
March 23rd 1925

My dear Mrs. Lovett –

I found your dear letter on our return from the country last night. We were gone a week and found it interesting every minute. We met with endless kindness with some Methodist missionaries in Puebla who took us to spend that day in an Indian village and altogether we are having exceptionally fine opportunities to see this wonderful land. I had some serapes sent to your address from Puebla, I hope you won’t mind keeping them for me.

I am sending the [enclosed] to ask you to have Miss McManus send $145, less in April to Vilma Glücklich. It is rather a joke that the Chicago Branch should not have sent the money to Washington!  Will you write to Flora Surles at the Washington office so that we may be credited with it with her & Mrs. Taussig. [page 2] I am acknowledging the account directly to Vilma Glücklich & should be glad to have it saved for me.

The W.I.L. group here is small but quite distinguished. I meet with them at ten tomorrow for a final planning.

Thanking you so much for your letters and all the trouble you are taking about the Barnett Fellowship plan everything else. I am always lovingly yours Jane Addams