Jane Addams to Lillian D. Wald, January 4, 1911


Jan 4, 1911

Dear Miss Wald: --

I have accepted no speaking engagements in New York and very few social ones. My book now reads Jan 29th Child Welfare address; Jan 30th settlement conference; Jan 31st A.M. small conference with settlement folk; Jan 31st neighborhood workers; Feb. 1st or 2nd tea, Women's University Club; Feb. 6th meeting of Survey Committee at Mr. [DeForest's] house. Mrs Bowen and I plan to leave New York the 4th or 5th, and to spend possibly ten days in Lakewood before I have my first appointment in Boston February fifteenth. I have had a miserable time ever since the middle of November, first with an infected antrum and since then I have been at the dentist's very nearly every day. I hope to come back from this little rest quite [page 2] made over as I am really very tired of this up and down invalid life I seem to have had so much of during the last year. There are one or two other things brewing, but I can write you about them later if they actually come off. Will you say to Miss Tarbell that I should be very glad to accept her kind invitation to luncheon at The Colony Club either the first or second of February. I suppose it could easily be done on the same day with the tea at The University Club. It will be very nice to see her again.

Mary Smith seems to all of us to be doing very well, and we are quite impressed with the effects of Bethel.

Affectionately yours,

Jane Addams. [signed]

Miss Lillian D. Wald,
New York.

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