Annie Pennypacker Carlyle to Jane Addams, March 14, 1925


March 14, 1925. MEXICO, D. F.

A. P. Carlyle,
6a Nuevo Mexico, 101.

Miss Jane Addams,
Hotel Regis,
Mexico City.

Dear Miss Addams:

I had little opportunity to tell you anything about the work I am doing as the representative of the American Friends Service Committee, and I must not let their right to some of your attention in Mexico be [overshadowed] by the more self-asserting bodies organized here. As you have time I believe that you, Miss Smith and Miss Wald will have some interest in reading this copy of a letter I was obliged to send to a member of the Friends Church in Oskaloosa, Iowa. Since this letter was written the Service Committee has permitted me to assist, as I had time, with the work at La Granja del Niño in the absence of the Directora. This is an Industrial Home for street waifs. At present only farming is taught -- it being but lately started.

Conditions and policies have changed somewhat, since this letter (to Reva L. Ireland) was written -- to since President Calles’ administration began. In some things for the better. In none, I hope, for the worse. I do not think an American teacher would have much opportunity in the Public Schools of Mexico at the present time. I am told they are not even permitted to teach English. I know four of my English class have gone to Government Schools where they are taught English by Mexicans. One of them still comes to me one afternoon a week, being astute enough to know it is only from an American he can secure correct pronunciation.

There is one thing I wish to speak of -- and that is the division in the Roman Catholic Church. You, of course, will hear much denouncing the “Cismatics.” It is a good cause if it can only be rightly conducted. It tends to the moralization of Mexico. The priests among the “Cismatics” must marry and become respectable citizens; and the money now sent to Spain and Italy to enrich the churches there (the Roman Catholic churches) is to be kept in Mexico that schools, hospitals and Homes may be built and maintained. It is for this reason they repudiate the Pope as they cannot control their wealth for their own use and recognize the Vatican.

I go to La Granja del Niño this afternoon, and shall not return until Monday.

Thanking you for the pleasure it gave me to meet you, Miss Smith and Miss Wald yesterday, I am,

Sincerely yours,
Annie P. Carlyle. [signed]