Louis J. Affelder to Jane Addams, March 13, 1925



Pittsburgh, Pa., March 13, 1925.

Miss Jane Addams,
#200 So. [Halsted] St.,
Chicago, Illinois.

Dear Miss Addams:

I am in receipt of the following checks for the Barnett Memorial Fellowship, having received these during the past few days:

Paul M. Warburg, New York, $120.00
Wm. H. Coleman, Indianapolis, $50.00
Belle Sherwin, Washington, D.C., $50.00
Myrta L. Jones, Cleveland, $50.00
Isabella McRae, Hamtranck, Mich., $5.00

I am enclosing envelope received today, which you will note was incorrectly addressed to New York. Will you please instruct your Secretary so that none of these checks will be lost?

Yours very truly,

Louis J. Affelder [signed]