Leo James Lentzen to Directors and Coworkers of the Federated Nations of the World, January 28, 1925

The Promoters of
Metropolitan Block, 290 Third Street
Phone Grand 880
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, U.S.A.

Weekly [Dispatch] No. 6.

Wednesday [January] 28th, 1925.

To the Directors & [Coworkers]:

The office wishes to extend its sincere appreciation of your hearty cooperation, which was instrumental in advancing our work to a great extent in the past week.

For your information, Mr. Vocke wishes to announce that the first class in Esperanto for the Public will be held at the Temporary Quarters of our Universala Alt-Universitato, Wisconsin Branch, at 7:00 P.M., Thursday, February 5th, at Room 505 Merrill Building, 211 Grand Avenue. Registrations however must be made at our office in the Metropolitan Block.

Therefore we shall be pleased to have you give Mr. Vocke the names and addresses, ages, etc., of all prospects as early as possible, so that our Mr E. E. Thomas can arrange for their enrollment.

We also ask you to do everything possible to make our Theatre Benefit at the Alhambra Theatre a big success.

Our gratitude for past contributions:

Use of office furniture & equipment, Mr. Arthur E. Wogahn.

Rotary Neostyle (use of) Mr. Walter H. Roloff.

Legal services Anonymous

Desk organizer-Clipping Scrap Book Herwert E. Vocke.

Office Clock, Atlas [Herwert E. Vocke.]

Two reams Typewriter Paper Emilie L. Baireuther

Typewriter Ribbon, Dictionary [Emilie L. Baireuther]

Clippings etc. Samuel W. Dunning, Belle H. Kerner, E. J. Krug.

[Clippings etc.] Ellen Cora Meneretta, San Francisco, Calif.

[Clippings etc.] Frieda Meyer, Lincoln, Nebraska.

[Clippings etc.] Ella Lutterman, Ackley, Iowa.

[Clippings[ & Publications, Norman W. Frost, Cambridge Mass.

[Clippings & Publications,] Otto W. Engel, Berlin, Germany.

[Clippings & Publications,] Ann Ryan, Else D. Heine.

[Clippings & Publications,] Valeria D. Eilmann, Richard Eilmann.

[Clippings & Publications,] Frank J. Lenicheck.

[Clippings] Edward Wunderlich.

Publications A. & B Adjustment Service.

[Publications] Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, New York.

[Publications] J. Whitla Stinson, New York.

Radiograms Milwaukee Amateur Radio Club.

One Month Office Rent for Esperanto School Anonymous.

Other donations Anonymous. [page 2]

Owing to the opening of our school we have an immediate demand for 1 Table, Chairs, Waste Baskets, Blackboard, Chalk, Erasers, Pictures and other supplies for school. Legal Size and Letter Size Letter Sheets, without limit, Mimeotype Stencils No. 571, Unlimited amount. Typewriters or use thereof, any amount., Book Case, Rand Filing Cabinets, Old or New, or use thereof, (consult the office) Postal Scales (2) 1 Large and 1 Small; Donations for letters to Directors, Large Late Universal Atlas, Office Equipment, Funds for Postage Stamps, and Printing (Unlimited amount), and in general anything pertaining to running an office or a school.

Be sure to attend meeting Friday, January 30th, 1925, at 7:30 P.M., at the Journal Directors' Room.

LEO JAMES LENTZEN, Director General.