Edward B. DeGroot to Jane Addams, October 7, 1911


October 7, 1911.

Miss Jane Addams,
Hull House,
Chicago, Ill.

My dear Miss Addams:

Perhaps you have noticed in the daily press an announcement to the effect that I have resigned my position in the South Park System to work for the Playground & Recreation Association of America. Comment upon my resignation by the press, as well as personal visits by mutual friends, caused Judge Payne, President of the South Park Board, to summons me to his office for a conference. This conference resulted in the withdrawal of my resignation because of assurance from Judge Payne that an entirely new plan of administration will be set up for the small parks, in which I will be permitted to regulate all of the present perplexing problems of policing and inadequate handling of human affairs.

I am sending you this brief written statement because of my inability to call and present the matter in person. I shall leave town Tuesday morning to fill some engagements for the Playground & Recreation Association in Seattle, Portland, San Francisco and Los Angeles, which will require an absence of perhaps thirty days. Your interest in my work, as well as your interest in the larger plans and work of the Playground & Recreation Association of America, give me this desire to present a definite statement to you. I shall probably wish to confer with you concerning the larger plans for South Park administration upon my return from the west.

Yours very sincerely,

 E. B. DeGroot [signed]
General Director of
Field House & Playgrounds.


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