Eva Mary Macnaughten to Jane Addams, May 20, 1925

29. Greycoat Gardens. S.W. 1.
May 20, 1925.

Dear Miss Addams,

I think it is more than likely that I can take a “Wanderjahr" from this Sept. [1] if I let my flat & prepare to spend about 6 months in America, & the remaining time in Canada & Japan. I want to learn all I am capable of assimilating in your country & of course shall be ready & glad to speak for the W.I.L wherever I go.

Shall I have difficulty in getting a permit to enter U.S.A? I shall be visiting friends, as well as staying in Settlements. Would you be so very kind as to write me [page 2] a letter that would help me in my wish to be admitted to U.S.A.

I hope to arrive middle or end of Sept. & to go on to Canada in 5 or 6 months time, spending another month or 6 weeks in U.S.A. on my return from Japan & Canada. Will you advise me?

Yours always
Eva M. Macnaughten

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