Charles Hull Ewing to Jane Addams, November 9, 1922


November 9, 1922.

(Second letter)

Miss Jane Addams,
Hull House,
800 So. Halsted St.,
Chicago, Ill.

Dear Miss Addams:

With regard to the matter of the book, which Dr. Thomas wishes to write on the subject of the causes of ill-will between the races:

As I stated to you in our interview yesterday, Miss Culver wishes me to say to you that if you and Dr. Thomas and Mrs. Dummer, and any other person or persons, who will join in promoting it, think the proposed work a valuable one, the publication of which would tend towards the establishment of friendship and peace between the races, she will be glad to help start the work by financing it to the extent of $2500, distributed in [installments] throughout the first year.

After receiving your verbal endorsement of the project yesterday and acting upon the suggestion that I take the matter up with Dr. Thomas direct, I have arranged an interview with him tomorrow at 12 o'clock at my office to discuss details and outline a brief agreement covering the matter.

Yours very truly,

Charles Hull Ewing [signed]