Jane Addams to Mary Rozet Smith, November 24, 1910



I was fearfully disappointed not to spend Thanksgiving at Hull-House -- the first time that I have missed in all the years -- but my face was pretty sore last night and it seemed foolish to run the risk of more infection. I am better tonight and will be back tomorrow without fail. Miss Lund stayed at home with the old Ladies and telephone message report [page 2] all serene tonight. I have been trying to write out my Fortnightly speech today -- which in itself shows an improved state of affairs -- [although] I am afraid that I am starting off on an impossible task. I am awfully sorry that you have been worried Dear, the Lady has been writing you every day and when Eleanor telephoned today that you had telegraphed, I felt very much reproached. The box of books [page 3] has just come from New York and I will send one tomorrow. I am so anxious to know how it strikes you -- sketches writing et al. Judge Mack wants to go to work in the strike to [raise money] from [a] new point. I don't ↑believe that↓ whether any thing at all can be done but I will take one more go. You were awfully good to send such a big check. Good Night, Darling.

Always yours J. A.

Nov 24" 1910