Some International Phases of Settlement Work, February 10, 1922 (excerpts)



Noted Settlement Worker Says Intelligent Treatment is Lacking

Jane Addams of Hull House, Chicago, internationally noted settlement worker, does not believe the United States is handling the immigration question intelligently, she said upon her arrival in Minneapolis today.

"I am not sure we have reached the point of saturation," Miss Addams declared. "It is often forgotten that the immigrant is a consumer. The argument that he gluts the labor market is often made, without considering the fact that he consumes as well as produces.

"As immigration laws are administered now they work unnecessary hardships. Immigrants should be more carefully prepared and selected before leaving their own countries."

Miss Addams talked before the social settlement workers of the twin cities this noon at Pillsbury House on "Some International Phases of Settlement Work."

"There is a growing feeling on the part of settlement workers of the world for closer contact with each other," said Miss Addams, who has just come back from a tour abroad as American representative of social settlement workers.

"All of the European countries, France, Germany, Austria, Russia, and particularly the Scandinavian countries, show eagerness to [cooperate] internationally. Plans were made for the first international conference of social workers to take place in London, in Toynbee Hall, in July, 1922."

Tonight Miss Addams will deliver an address, "Public Opinion in Europe," under the direction of Pi Beta Phi in the Christian Bible college.

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