Jane Addams to Madeleine Zabriskie Doty, February 8, 1924


February 8, 1924

My dear Madeline Doty:

Isn't it fine that our German friends will soon be here? I am very much interested in what you tell me of their plans. We hope to have them all, as you may have seen by the tentative program, to speak in our Summer School in May and if possible I think it would be better to have them speak in the Eastern cities, Boston, etc. up to the time of the Congress and be in this neighborhood after the Summer School in May.

Have you tried the Open Forum Speakers Bureau? I should be glad to write to them if you authorize it and see what they can do. Their fees they usually pay are only about $50.00 but they have many connections through the East. I am [enclosing] a letter from them for the sake of giving you the address. I was a little annoyed by having them put me on their list of speakers without consulting me, but they are hustlers and very nice people. I think Fraulein Heymann with her good English could have a great many engagements, especially if she spoke on the present political and economic situation in Germany, or something of that sort. Mrs. Catt of New York and Miss Blackwell of Boston and others of the old time suffragists ought to be ready to help get engagements.

We want them of course in Chicago and will begin as soon as we know their exact dates but I feel so strongly that it would be better for the Summer School if they made their first appearance then and also traveling about in Illinois and Wisconsin they would get quite as many engagements in May and June as they would in March and April and it would be much pleasanter for them.

I wrote in the reply to the lady who wrote from St. Louis that I was sending her letter East and that she would hear from you.

Faithfully yours,

Jane Addams [signed]