William Frank McClure to Jane Addams, January 13, 1925

134 South LaSalle Street
Chicago, Illinois

January 13, 1925

Miss Jane Addams,
Hull House,
[800] South Halsted Street,
Chicago, Illinois.

My dear Miss Addams:

Confirming my conversation of yesterday, there is to be a joint meeting of the Advertising Council of the Chicago Association of Commerce and the Woman's Advertising Club of Chicago at the Hotel La Salle at noonday luncheon on March 5. The program committee is very desirous of having you speak that day on the Japanese Situation, about the same address which you gave at Wilmette. It is my understanding from our telephone conversation that this date is agreeable to you.

I greatly appreciate your acceptance of this invitation and am sure that there will be a large attendance. The luncheon is at 12:15. We will send a car for you a few moments before twelve and have it ready to take you back after the luncheon.

Very sincerely,

W. Frank McClure [signed]