John Sanborn Phillips to Jane Addams, October 29, 1909

Phillips Publishing Company

341 Fifth Avenue

New York

October 29th, 1909.

Miss Jane Addams,
Hotel Bellevue,
Boston, Mass.

My dear Miss Addams:

I have read the manuscript, and there is really much of it that I should like to print in this magazine. I wish that our readers might have the full benefit of the spirit and material. Because of this, it is a little difficult, I confess, for me to indicate a specific plan of selection after one reading of the manuscript. I am sure that with the help of Miss Tarbell and Mr. Baker, we can plan four or five papers that will give our readers something of your knowledge and wisdom that has been set down in these chapters. It is my idea, too, that this will lead them to the volume for the fuller impression of your experiences and conclusions.

It is unfortunate that both Miss Tarbell and Mr. Baker are away this week, but they will be here on Monday, and I expect then to discuss with them the definite formulation of the magazine articles. I trust that a little further delay will not inconvenience you.

Please be assured that we will endeavor to apply, so far as possible, your ideas concerning the presentation and the title. You have written a very beautiful and remarkable book, and I want the chapters we use to be laid before the reader in the most acceptable and proper way.

Faithfully yours,

John S. Phillips [signed]