Annette Jacobi Roberts to Jane Addams, September 6, 1924


Sept 6 -- 24.

[illegible] ↑839 Summit Ave.↓

My dear Miss Addams:

My delay in answering your card was due to the postponement of a meeting of our local group at which I wished to make a plea to help your dilemma but it was voted to spend about $175.00 for [advertising] in the papers to counteract local activities for mobilization [page 2] day, and the board felt that they could not spare more money at present. After considering other projects we feel we can reach more people [through] the medium of newspapers than in any other way. We had a most successful "No More War" day in July. We sold the "Law -- Not War" buttons which the National Council for the Prevention of War got out, in [page 3] the lobbies of large buildings and hotels -- We made $300.00 and could have made more, but our supply became exhausted. We contemplate selling again on Armistice Day -- that being the only day that tagging is allowed on the streets. I wish that all of the branches would do likewise -- it is the easiest way to raise funds -- for the season's work and splendid propaganda. Mrs. Fuldheim is acting chairman since my resignation -- Mrs. Fuldheim spoke in Ill. before 3,000 miners against mobilization day. Yours for a successful year. Cordially --

Annette Roberts.