Vilma Glücklich to Jane Addams, July 3, 1924



6, Rue du Vieux-Collège

July 3d, 1924.

Dear Miss Addams,

I was so glad to get your letter and to see that you were satisfied by the success of the Summer School; I am looking forward very much to the answer of Miss Woods whether a report on it will be published over there or whether we have to edit it here. People in Europe are inquiring a great deal, and it would be a little comfort for their missing the European Summer School this year, if we could send it out before long. The delegates from whom I have heard since tell me that it was quite [unequaled] in its kind.

We received from Miss Post the greetings that had to be answered and we answered all except those from Japan; I must confess that I am not up to that, as they ↑almost↓ all claim a resolution against the immigration bill and we did not pass any. To write them without mentioning this point seems impossible to me, and I do not know how to explain to them our apparent indifference on this matter. Perhaps you would be good enough to read over the copies enclosed and to give me some suggestion about it. The delay would not matter as they are accustomed to receive answers from the other continents pretty late. I am writing to Mrs. [Inouye] to tell her officially how warmly the Congress welcomed the admission of the Japanese Section; she has fortunately not signed any of the cables asking for a resolution.

I am glad to hear that Washington Headquarters will send out the call for membership-fees in America; we have done it now for Europe and contributions come in daily; I must only advise not to make the call a personal one, because [Mrs.] Lippincott, when she acted as hon. treasurer last summer, had put into the [New York] Bank $866. -- of which we never received a detailed account; we first thought it was a mistake and enquired first with the Bank and afterwards with Mrs. Lippincott and Washington Headquarters, [page 2] but it was impossible to know more about it than that it came from international membership-fees, so that there must be a great number of people whom we could not send any receipt, because Mrs. Lippincott seems not to have kept their names on record.

If you desire to take the account of the Chicago Bank out of our books, it should be done at the end of this year. For the time being, the expert claimed for some kind of receipt of the $2500. -- taken out of the [New York] Bank, and I shall be most grateful if you will kindly send me an account of the Chicago Bank.

I do not quite see, however, how the book-keeping here will be exact, if we have to send out receipts for amounts which disappear entirely if we have no account of the Chicago Bank in our books; I shall ask the expert about it as soon as he will have to come again.

I hope you have got the lists of the Associate Members all right; they were posted to you about the 9th of June. We have booked Mrs. Spencer for five and Dr. Williams for three years as Associate Members.

The Swiss Section has a meeting today, with Marg. Gobat and Dr. Woker reporting on the Congress.

Yesterday we had here a reception in [honor] of the women delegates to the Labour Conference. Few of them came, their program being overcrowded with work as well as with invitations. Miss Alice Henry happened to be with us; she is attending the last meetings of the Labour Conference and studying the International Labour Office and the League Secretariat.

I hope you are somewhat rested after all the rush and excitement we brought with us; I wonder whether Congressman [McLeod] will make [career] with his famous bill? -- I am quite thrilled by the prospect of the London Conference of the Allies on the 16th inst. Perhaps it will really mean this time the beginning of a period of reasonable procedure. The representatives of France and England are pretty different from those at former Conferences.

With kindest regards

devotedly yours

Vilma Glücklich [signed]