Ida Ruth Comstock Stewart and Mary E. Spray Moon to Jane Addams, May 25, 1924

Detroit Mich.
May 25, 1924.
Miss Jane Addams
Hull House
Chicago Ill

My Dear Miss Addams: --

Enclosed we are sending you a copy of a circular letter which has been sent out to the ministers of the city. The substance of this letter was published in the newspapers on May 21st as per clipping also enclosed. The action regarding it was forwarded to you the following day ↑by our publicity director↓ and we have been waiting for a reply from you. A reply under your own signature outlining what attitude you wish our branch to adopt and what action you wish us to take, also a direct rebuke to Dr Shurly would meet with the approval of the more intelligent reading public and would make splendid publicity for us and for the Pax Special. We are sending a copy of our Aims and Purposes with a special letter to the ministers to better enable them to reply to Dr Shurly.

We enclose a letter we have just sent to all our members in Detroit and outlying districts. [page 2] May we not hear from you as the time is getting short.

Very sincerely

Detroit Branch W.I.L.
(Mrs) Ruth Stewart, Acting Vice Chairman Special Arrangements Committee.
2574 2nd Blvd, Detroit
Mary E. Spray Moon. [signed]
(Mrs. Mary E. Spray Moon)
Corresponding Secretary Special Arrangements Committee)