Jane Addams to Rosika Schwimmer, June 29, 1924

Toronto, Canada
June 29" 1924

My dear Mde Schwimmer

I never heard ↑the↓ coat story and was quite bewildered when you spoke in Washington, no one at Hull-House had ever heard of it -- [although] I inquired [of Dr] Hamilton, J. Lathrop and Mary Smith, as well ↑as some others.↓

The material of the School when done by the stenographer was to be sent to Miss Woods at the Washington office by June 20th. I am sure if you write to Miss Flora [B.] Surles she will be glad to send [out] the [page 2] two lectures. She is in charge of the office during July & August when Miss Woods will be away I believe.

We are having a very good Conference here in Toronto [although] it leaves little time for writing.

I seem to be none the worse for my Peace meetings but [will] be glad to get off to Maine next week.

With cordial greetings to your mother & sister, I am faithfully yours Jane Addams.