Jane Addams to Edith Picton-Turbervill, April 17, 1924



Hull-House, Chicago
April 17, 1924

My dear Miss Picton-[Turbervill]:

Your letter from Toronto came a few hours after I had written to you. We did not mean to use your name unfairly. Yours was handed in with a list of delegates from Great Britain and we were told that most of the delegates were planning to come on to the Summer School and be part of the entire program. It was on that basis we put you on the program of the Summer School and of course as your name was well known, it was naturally seized upon by the press people.

It has been, in a sense, unfortunate that the three German women came early rather than those of another nationality. It was partly an accident as Dr. Augspurg and Miss Heymann both came on a speaking expedition quite independently of the Congress.

Toronto has of course always been difficult and we will have to take care to have largely English speakers there and perhaps send someone ahead to be quite sure that we are to be well received. Ninety-six organizations of various sorts, men and women, have united in Cincinnati to further the interest of the Pax Special. I met quite casually a lady from Dayton yesterday who told me of the very good plans made there. I think perhaps Toronto is exceptional. Public opinion is changing so rapidly that there is always the danger of our assuming that the change has been greater than it really has.

I am writing this hastily and hope to see you in New York the twenty-third when I am coming on for our Mass meeting.

Affectionately yours,