Mr. Eastman to Jane Addams, September 25, 1903


P. R. Pettibone & Co. Inc. Lithographers

Chicago.  Sept 25th, 1903.

Miss Jane Addams,
Hull House, Chicago.

Dear Madam--;

We would be pleased to furnish you--

1000- Copies 6 3/4 X 9 ↑10↓ 32 page and cover and (5) half tone inserts "Newsboy Conditions in Chicago" we to furnish the half tones made from photographs made by you for One hundred dollars. ($100.00)

If the photographs need retouching to make them clear and distinct in the half tones, there would be an extra charge for the time required to do it. An additional 500 would cost $20.00. We would also be pleased to furnish you 1000 "Newsboy's Lists" 6 3/4 X 10 28 page and cover for $55.00 and an additional 500 would cost $9.00.

Stock for "Newsboy Conditions" 28 X 42 80# Egg Shell book cover ↑paper↓. For cover 22 X 28 80# Ulster linen. Stock for the Newsboy Lists 28 X 42 70# machine finish book paper. Cover 22 X 28 50# plain (any color desired). If you furnish copy Friday Sept 25th, we will furnish complete proofs by Wed Sept 30th. If proof is returned to us Friday Oct 2nd, we will deliver the job to you complete in (5) days.

Respectfully Yours,
Eastman [signed]

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