Edward William Bok to Jane Addams, December 19, 1910

The Ladies' Home Journal

Mr. Bok's Office

December nineteenth
Nineteen hundred
and ten

My dear Miss Addams:

May I ask you to bear our magazine in mind if at this coming Christmas season there should come to you some pleasing thought which you might like to treat in story form or article? We like to get our Christmas material, you know, a year ahead, so that it may be written in the spirit of the time; and as we are now publishing two Christmas numbers -- one for the elders and the other for the children -- we have a double capacity and a double desire to get material of the right kind. May I ask you, therefore, if you will think of our need and wish? [page 2]

Believe me, with heartiest good wishes of the season,

Very sincerely yours,

Edward Bok [signed]

Miss Jane Addams

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