Paul Underwood Kellogg to Lita Keller, January 2, 1924

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January 2, 1924

Dear Miss Keller:

Thank you for your note. I am very sorry to hear about Miss Addams' illness. Will you keep me informed? I hope it is only a very temporary indisposition.

Under the circumstances I am sorry to have bothered her with the night letter from Washington on Sunday asking her to arrange to have [someone] meet Mrs. Gleason at the station Monday evening.

Arthur Gleason's death in Washington is a very tragic cutting short of a man who had done rare service and who was in especially strong position to have counted in American thought during the next ten years. And underneath it all, he was such a real person.


Miss Lita Keller
Hull House
800 S. Halsted St.
Chicago. Ill.

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