Graham Taylor to Chicago Commons Board of Trustees, ca. 1924


↑√ Mrs. Ryerson

√ Mrs Wilson

√ Mr Woodward

√ Chamberlain

√ Mrs. McCulloch

√ 2236 Orrington Ave Evanston

√ Addams

√ Butler

√ H. Elting

√ Mr. & Mrs Ferry

√ W. R. Folsom

√ Mr. Ryerson Jr.↓


While the deficit [illegible] at the close of last month reported in my treasurer's statement enclosed is large, it covers unusually heavy expenditures for building repairs, nearly half of it for the new fire escape.

The special effort to increase current contributions and to secure special gifts and bequests for endowment, which I announced at the trustees' annual meeting, is being vigorously started. Our ways and means to these ends so far undertaken are as follows:

The publication of a year book bearing the title, "Chicago Commons -- Thirty Years and After," a copy of which will soon be sent you and to any others whose addresses you may be willing to furnish us;

This booklet will go to the following groups, accompanied by letters especially adapted to each and many of them signed by me, all sent as first-class mail separately from the booklet:

To all present and former subscribers -- 700 or more

To 500 former residents, enlivening the "Living Endowment," which they maintain by contributing sums equivalent to 6 [percent] interest on specified amounts.

To a carefully selected list of about 2000 residents of Chicago and its suburbs, a very brief note bidding for their interest in the booklet and the work it represents.

To a few lawyers who know and care for the Chicago Commons work, a suggestion to bear it in mind when they have opportunity to advise those making bequests or devising special gifts.

So far as I am able I will endeavor to enlist ↑the interest of↓ such individuals as I am able to reach through personal interviews or by special letters. If my way to ↑any↓ such as are likely to respond could be opened by you and other trustees, it would facilitate my effort which will be long and hard enough at best.

Truly yours,