Amy Woods to Cornelia Ramondt-Hirschmann, March 7, 1924


↑Miss Addams↓

March 7, 1924.

Dear Mme. Ramondt:

Your letter of February 23rd has just arrived, and I am glad indeed that the call for the Congress has at least reached you. There was a frightful delay, and we were becoming distracted about them. We hope to start another folder to you before very long, and in doing so shall send them in small packages as printed matter, which should get there more rapidly.

Now in regard to your questions -- The Washington Hotel is Headquarters for all the delegates. The price probably seems high to you, as it covers only the room. We found, however, that the other hotels which we could get would be at least $4 a room, but by obtaining this hotel, we had the [Hall] of Nations given to us and all the committee-rooms we need, without a bit of expense. This is done because we placed the pictures of the corner of the Hotel on our folder. This to you will probably sound commercial, but it was really quite a relief to us, as it is rather difficult for the W.I.L. to obtain halls in Washington, as this is the heart of the militarist movement, and very many things are done to block our growth. With the Hall of Nations at our disposal for the entire week, we feel assured of no disturbance.

It is also true, that had we obtained a Hall, we [should] have had to pay at least $100 a night, and we felt that by distributing the cost of the extra dollar a night for rooms, among the [illegible] [members], who register, we should not have such a tax [upon] our budget. It is not always easy for us to raise a great deal of money in the United States, although from the European point of view it seems as though we ought to be able to do so.

You will have received my cable by this time, and realize that the hotel room is included in our invitation for the twenty-five delegates [for] whom we are financially responsible. [page 2] For delegates, coming directly from the European countries, half rates can be obtained at the Washington Hotel through this office. [We] are making every effort to have rooms offered in private homes here for some of the delegates who do not feel it best to stay at the hotel. Of course, it is much more convenient to be at Headquarters.

I do not think we should invite speakers from outside our League. You all can bring a message to us which we think will be of vital value to America. In the Summer School list, Miss Addams has placed such names as George Paish, Norman [Angell], and Dame Rachel Crowdy. I believe Dame Crowdy and Sir George Paish are in this country. Margaret Bondfield has already replied that she will not be here. I would suggest that we leave the invitations to other people outside of the W.I.L. to Miss Addams. I will send her a copy of this letter so that she may know just what our plans are.

The folder which we got out the first of January, now seems to be a bit out of date. I felt it necessary to get out something, and the Committee in Chicago had this tentative program for the Summer School, which I printed because I understood they had it pretty [well] in mind.

You will see by the folder which follows, that there have been changes along many lines. Our [plan] now is, to have a large meeting in New York on the arrival of the delegates. You will also see by our plans which have already gone to you that our [Pax] Special will cover the time between the 7th and 17th, speaking along the route to Chicago. We hope in this way to care for twenty-five European delegates from the time they leave Europe until they will sail from Montreal. Of course, there will be some individual expenses for the individual, but for the most part their entertainment will be awaiting them.

It is difficult to determine from so far away just what can be done. At the present moment, we are very anxious to know exactly about ↑who↓ these twenty-five delegates will be for whom we shall be responsible. We have reservations in the Hotel, and also want to have their [name] attached to the reservations for the return passages.

Plans are made in Chicago for entertainment of all the foreign delegates in private homes. I think that will also be arranged in Philadelphia.

It sometimes seems as though we were not working on this end, because you do not hear from us frequently. But we are making plans as rapidly as possible, and are [hoping] that things will work out satisfactorily to all.


[National Secretary]